Monday, August 31, 2009

Lockdown Budget: Ground Zero and 1/3 There Already

Tomorrow is day one of Lockdown Budget, and I am happy to report that due to a large case closing and the auditing process taking not nearly as long as usual, we have already paid off 1/3 of the debt we goaled ourselves to pay off by December 1. I anticipate, based on the way my work is swinging along, that we will be halfway to our goal by October 1, and God willing we might be done by November 1.

I don't think this big start out of the gate will make us complacent; Baboo and I are really determined to make.this.happen. I am doing my best to carve out as much as I can from the food and household budget and we are selling a few things on Craigslist and Ebay as well; we'd been meaning to do these things before but are now super motivated to get the no-debt party started. If you're the praying type, please keep us in yours as we sacrifice temporarily to get our family to financial freedom. I'll certainly be updating you as we go along.

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