Friday, September 11, 2009

Dave Ramsey Baby Emergency Fund Giveaway!

Hi, I'm Donna, and Dave Ramsey is my hero.

Don't you know Dave? He is a spectacular motivational speaker and author and his passion is helping people to reach financial freedom. His personal finance advice is sound; if you're a Christian, it's also Biblically based. It's Dave's system that got the ground under our feet financially when Baboo and I joined forces. And he has the heart of a teacher.

Dave is giving away a whole lot of money, in $999 dollar increments, here. Check back every day for the new code word. Enter once a day, every day, as long as the giveaway is running. You can also register to get Dave's updates and tips via e-mail or mobile phone. Also, Dave is running a special on his entire inventory of personal finance books, workbooks, and tools; each is only $9.99, with free shipping for orders over $65. His books are inspirational, full of good advice, and are quick and easy reads. Go and win your baby emergency fund, courtesy of Dave!!!

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