Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Seasonal Bargains: Fall Savings

Fall's here, and that means it is time to start stocking up on seasonal bargains. Basically, certain items go on sale seasonally, and during that time you should match up sales with coupons to stock up on those items at rock bottom prices. Fall means the holidays, which means items for holiday dinners and baking will be on sale. Thus, be on the lookout for coupons and spectacular sales on these items:

Baking products (chocolate chips, sugar, baking soda and powder, flour) (the goal is less than a buck a bag for these items, and less than .50 for baking soda and powder)
Soups (for both cooking and eating) (goal is less than .33 per can)
Jams and Jellies (I make these, but if you get them for less than 1.00 per jar, you're doing well)
Turkey (.88/lb for breast only, .39/lb whole turkey)
Ham (we don't eat much of it, but usually .99/lb is a good price)
Pumpkin (fresh and canned) (fresh is usually free after Halloween, canned is .59-.79 per can)
Onions (.33/lb)
Apples (.69/lb)
Pears (.49/lb)
Potatoes (.18/lb)

Also, flu and cold season will be upon us shortly, as well as the dry season for skin and hair due to forced air heating, so look for deals on:

Cold and Flu Products (free)
Tissues (.66/box)
Chap stick and lip balm (free)
Hand and body lotions (free)

Clip coupons for these items; you'll be able to match them with a sale and a double coupon day to get prices at or lower than those I've given here.

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